By infusing nutrients directly into the bloodstream it maintains the maximum potency and effectiveness of the vitamins and minerals. There is also better bioavailability of nutrients when administered IV because they bypass the first pass effect and there is no potential for GI upset. IV infusion allows the body to absorb 10-20x more nutrients than if taken orally.
This drip is for anyone feeling sluggish and tired or needing a boost before a big event. It provides natural energy and gives your metabolism a boost.
This drip is ideal for protecting and boosting your immune system before vacation or when feeling a little under the weather. It strengthens your immune system with vitamin C, zinc and B vitamins.
This drip is for athletes, before and after competition, race or a strenuous workout. It shortens recovery time and replenishes lost nutrients after prolonged physical exertion.
This drip is for anyone recovering from vomiting, diarrhea or a day in the sun. Rehydrate, detox and restore your body’s natural defenses.
This drip is ideal for anyone suffering from hangover related symptoms or migraine. Replenish and reset with B vitamins, and Zofran to combat nausea.
This combination is named for Dr. John Myers who was one of the first to use IV therapies to treat varying ailments of his patients. This IV is for anyone suffering from chronic inflammatory ailments. and reduce fatigue.